DC is great. Rain is bad. It’s raining. Me sad.
It has dropped 20 degrees Fahrenheit (that's 10 degrees Celsius for you fellow Europeans), the leaves are falling off the trees and did I mention the RAIN. Two weeks ago I had a great time, it was WARM! People were happy. I was happy. Is it just me or does everything seem better when people are tanned, wearing flowy dresses and shorts, attending outdoor concerts, sipping on ice coffee (its coffee, its cold, it’s not complicated.) Ohhh to complain over the heat wave once more. Ohh to wait in line 20 min for ice coffee again. And number one on the complain list of the ohh's. Waking up at 5.30 am because the sun is up. Magical!!! I promise to never complain again summer. Just come back to my life.
Since summer has yet to consider my proposal. Here are my favorite perks with autumn.
1. Autumn fashion *hear hear to that*.
2. It is ok to stay in bed on weekends because of rain. I love being outside. But here is to guilty pleasures of staying in bed the entire morning, eating crumpets, reading the paper without guilt.
3. High tea in flowy dresses, gloves, and fancy hats.
4. Movie marathons.
5. Less Gym hysteria! Knowing that you will not be showing off that body in a itzy bitzy tiny bikini for the next months results in less mass of crazy aggressive gym people that somehow always manage to get the last spot at kick boxing class, leaving you with Pump class or, even worse, oversized men in love with their own reflection in the mirror, which, we all know, is the truth. Ultimately leading to less bad feelings for not using that gym membership you so painfully signed up for and have not really used because of the reasons above.
6. The holiday season. Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas Carols, Gluhwine, Gingerbread houses…Oh so much fun.
This weekend, I am heading to the Republican Convention in Minneapolis?! Since I have no political aspirations, nor decided on political affiliation I intend on asking a lot of questions, and enjoy the excitement of politics.
Enchallah Enchallah