[Ed note: This post was written last night as the result from a long day at work followed by a glorious evening outside...enjoy]
As the number of candles on my birthday cake (slowly) increases, so is my amazment with certain concepts, food, and styles. Listed below are some of my "Please Don't", "??", and "Yes Please".
Please Don't and ??
"Hipsters" (quotation marks as "hipster" has many confusing definitions)
Extract from conversations with "hipster" friends through out the years:
"...I am sorry, I don't have PBR at home. Wine ok?...No, it's not organic or locally produced. It's from Spain...Carbon footprints?...ehm not sure. It doesn't say on the bottle..."
"...ehm..well, lets see if I got this right...you are
not a "hipster", but according the definition you are...but you do not consider yourself a textbook hipster...ehm..ok...then what excactly are you? Oh, so you are a "hipster"?! Wait. I am confused..."
"...You hung out with Michelle Williams at your favorit organic, local produced, vegan, cafe in Brooklyn? Cool. Wasn't she part of that pop culture TV show long time ago? Wait..no, she was married to that hunk Heath Ledger right..."
"...no, my high heels are very comfortable thank you very much...No need to borrow your ergonomically correct footwear..."
Of course I would never dream of telling my "hipster" friends that I poke fun of them when I am all alone. Thankfully, my "hipster" friends no longer discuss my fashion sense (read: wearing leather. Gasp!) or eating habits. So truce currently subsides. However, if I receive one more email about a vegan bag/shoe/accessory sale, things might change.
Ill-fitted suits. Disaster. If I had a penny for every time I shook my head passing men wearing ill-fitted suits (topped off with a festive tie) there would be enough pennies for the new nickname Penny. Now, you may think that I am refering to slightly older silver foxes. I am not. We are talking 20-30ish something gents. Where are their good clothing sense? And if that does not exists, where are their stylists?!
It appears to be that in this city, men are either a) considering M J Fox aka "Back to the Future guy" as a style icon, or, B) they are unaware of their size. To you men who belong to category A, there is very little I can do. For the B category, let me let you in on a little secret. We (ladies that you want to impress) can not see the label from the outside, and can therefore not know what size you wear. Worried about xray vision? Take your size "L" suit to a tailor or have the store change that "M" to "L". Sigh.
American gravy. It's pretty much seethrough. Cringe. No thank you, I rather have my meat dry. Unless I would be awarded with a trophy and a $50,000 check from the X-Factory I see no reason for pouring it over my food. While we are on the topic, add American coffee to the list. If I wanted to see bottom of my cup of joe I would have had water.
Open toe sandals from DVF. No explanation needed (see insert and image from last post and you will know why).
Americas Birthday. First of all, no one can look bad wearing red, blue, and white at the same time. Can't say the same for the Dutch. Looking good in Orange?! Yeah, try pulling that off. I tried, and tried, and tried, for the World Cup Soccer finals. Nope...still no go. Back to America's Bday. Part from you being already tanned and looking fly in your red, blue, and white, add activities such as lounging by a pool, playing games, eating hot dogs and indulge in sing-a-long to American Pie. Add fireworks and you have yourself a tri-fecta.
Cherry Blossoms in D.C. Cherry blossoms everywhere! On the trees, in the air, your hair, on the streets... How divine. Add warm spring evenings, spring fashion, and everyone being happy. How I adore thee cherry blossoms. You bring joy to Washington D.C.
Celebrating America's Bday the right way! |
No this is not Brett Michaels w/out hairextensions... |