Monday, February 28, 2011

One dollar baby

How much do you love a cafe Latte?

Today I gave a homeless man a orange on my way to work. I am not going to lie. It felt good. I felt good. Three blocks down less so. Did you know that according to the World Bank rising food prices have pushed another 44 million people into extreme poverty in the last year? People are starving and there I am, an employee of the organization whose mission is to eliminate poverty, enjoying my 10 AM Latte.

What prevents you from donating to a cause? Is it...

...stakeholder issues? Wondering where your donations really end up

...lasziness. Was planning on. Forgot. Uhm.. had the intentions….the list is long, the excuses tiresome.

...starving children in your living room at dinner time. Being exposed to a large amount of donation campaigns. So feed up with starving people showing up in your living room.

It took an orange to realize how sad my excuses are.

Did you know that if you would spend US$5 instead of US$10/week on lunch you could literally save someone’s life? Yep. For US$28 you can help a child to food, water, and an education. Find out more here

Do something good today. Take the 4 question survey offered by the UN World Food Programme. In exchange they will donate a warm meal to a child in Haiti. For more information and to take the test visit