One apologetic message from the pilot later we are off the plane, collecting our food voucher (thank's Delta). Three hours pass by, a plane has been located and we are finally good to go. Captain is happy pappy, crew is happy pappy, even the passengers are in a slightly pleasant mood. We made it to D.C.! Then it happens. The jetway won't attach. Making the passengers prisoners of the plane. What's next? At this point I don't even care about the delay's. It's the baggage claim I dread. Fast speed half an hour later we are set free. At last. And happily enough there they are, my ride home (thank's dear) and against all odds, my luggage. Now I know how Victor Navorski (played by Tom Hank) must have felt like in the Terminal. Well, sort off. Ok, no similarities.
To make this post less of a Debbie Downer check out these lovely things. These fun, gardenia scented, candles by Primitives by Kathy are available at Marshalls' for a mere $10/piece. If these don't make you happy pappy I don't know what will. And for the ladies, this necklace by H&M, yours for $12, may just be what the dr ordered for those glum day's when nothing in your wardrobe seem willing to take on the challenges of the day.